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Service 24/7 Water Damage Repair
Mold Damage Removal That Gets The Job Done
Mold is a naturally occurring substance, but when combined with dampness from a house flood, leaky roof, burst pipe or wet basement, harmful results can quickly occur. If not controlled, mold is extremely dangerous and can have long-term, devastating health effects.
We will diagnose your mold problem. More importantly, our network of providers will get to the root of the mold and eliminate the source. Our mold inspectors are experts in diagnosing and removing mold at your home or office.
Mold Remediation Beneath The Surface
Mold has telltale signs, such as a distinctive smell and a unique look. It loves to grow and hide in damp, moist areas such as between walls and underneath floors and where you have basement water damage. If you suspect you have a mold problem at your home or office, it’s best to let professional.
We understand how to diagnose and remove mold so that it doesn’t come back. Mold is a problem that must be taken care of immediately.
Call us For Immediate Mold Removal
Waiting won’t make your mold problem get any better, nor will it make it go away. In fact, mold removal becomes more difficult the longer mold is allowed to grow uncontrolled. We will help you contain and eliminate your mold problems.
Our home drying and basement flood drying services will dry damp and mold-prone areas so that the mold won’t grow back. Then our providers will perform mold remediation services to remove overgrown mold in your home or office.
Mold Growth Can Cause Serious Health Problems
Mold is a serious health risk for infants, the elderly, pregnant and nursing women and people with asthma and other chronic diseases. Mold can cause long-lasting health problems such as asthma, sinus headaches, chronic cough and nasal congestion.
We will test your home for mold, diagnose the specific mold that’s in your home and remove it with professional mold remediation.